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A Guide to Choosing the Best Table Cloth for You

There is no denying that table covers have a lot to say about the overall feeling and presence of a room. Burlap table cloths are no exception. Both the pinnacle and definition of finer living, they add a subtle yet gorgeous feeling to any room or occasion. The issue, however, arises within the price. Authentic burlap, as beautiful as it is, understandably is quite expensive. With an event such as a wedding where there are numerous tables all only to be used for this single event, such expensive materials can often turn people away from burlap linens.

This can be solved by investing in faux burlap table linens. They are hardier, of the same level of quality, and look near identical to the real thing. Burlap fabric is easy to incorporate no matter the occasion, be it a wedding, dinner party, or even just a way to spice up the dining room. That is one of its greatest qualities after all, its reusability! A great example of what would typically result in a one time use of decorative table covers would be the traditional wedding. Traditional banquet-like weddings bring the level of extravagance to the extreme, and sadly use table cloths that are likely never to be used again due to their ultra-specific purpose. Rustic weddings, on the other hand, do quite the opposite. Rustic weddings are seeing a significant rise in interest. In contrast, the traditional “banquet hall wedding” searches have been flat over the last 14 years. Most “rustic wedding” searches originate in the US. So not only are faux burlap table linens objectively a great buy, but they are also coming directly into style and favor as well, which only increases their overall value.
For this reason, over half of event planners attend conferences to stay up to date on what is currently in the trending hot seat. Spoiler alert: it’s currently occupied by design faux burlap fabrics. These eco-friendlier, reusable and repurposable cloths are sure to dominate both in fashion and in the public’s hearts for a long time to come. Be it for your dream worthy rustic wedding, your family dinners, or company funded events you really cannot go wrong with such a classic.

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