Booths are fun. They’re found in the mall, beside parks, at the state fair, or at an arts festival. Are pop-up shops a profitable side gig? Should you or the event venue offer a porta potty rental in Berkeley for emergencies? Let’s listen as Destiny Adams, the side hustle expert, tells us about it.
Before the event, you should research. You’ll need to know if other vendors are selling what you sell (let’s say you’re selling handmade clothing items,) what fees are involved, and if the venue is advertising the event, you’ll definitely market your pop-up shop yourself with attractive deals, and how payments will be processed (cash only, credit only, or if you’ll need change.
Make sure you have paper for receipts, business cards, and WiFi.)
During the pop-up shop, your customers will need to remember you. Make sure you have personalized bags, samples, business cards, and a happy greeting for them. Get their email addresses or ask them to follow you on social media for follow-ups.
After the event is just as important. Follow. Up. Use discount codes or free shipping to keep yourself fresh in their memories.
Not many people can resist pop-up shops. If you’re running one, these tips will help yours be successful.