From billboards to street signs to promotional products to print and TV ads, everyone is trying to get your attention these days. Whether you know it or not, you’re exposed to more than 3,000 messages a day in a variety of ways.
When it comes to getting folks’ attention, one of the best ways for promotional products companies to do that is with clothing. Embroidered t-shirts, embroidered hats, instant print t shirts and other clothing can be a great way for people to remember your company. In fact, surveys have indicated that 85% of customers remembered advertisers who gave them a shirt or a hat.
Let’s take a closer look at promotional t shirts and how promotional products companies can use them to attract customers:
- They’re affordable: Let’s say you have a small business, a small budget and you’re looking for something to offer to customers. Custom t shirts are your answer. Why? They’re easy on your company’s wallet and you can get a lot of advertising out of them. In fact, people who get a promotional product tend to keep it for at least eight months and with t shirts, it can be even longer than that.
- Fast production: Another benefit of t shirts is that they can be produced fast and very easily. This is good news if your company is rolling out a new product line or trying to get out new advertising materials. If you need to get a small batch of t shirts printed overnight, you can probably get it done too if you can find someone to do it.
- Creativity: With embroidered hats or custom t shirts, you can get as creative as you want. With today’s updates in technology, you can basically make any design you want on a computer screen and then translate it to the front of a shirt. You can choose bright colors or dark colors, bright or reserved fronts and any design you want to get your company’s message across.
- Functionality: One of the worst things a promotional products company can do is have a giveaway of a product that people have no use for. Pens only last a short time and everyday folks may not have use for things like whistles and lanyards. Fortunately, embroidered hats and custom t shirts are functional, which means people have use for them. Customers may not be parading around town in your company’s shirt, but if they get one there’s a good chance they’re going to wear it, even if it’s at home.
- Long life: Even if you wear some of the same t shirts every day, they can withstand a lot. What does that mean for your company? It means if you give out a promotional t shirt, a customer could potentially be wearing it five years after you give it to them. Think about all the things that disappear year after year. One thing that won’t is a t shirt, which means your company’s message will be around for a long time.
- Withstanding trends and helping a brand: No matter who gets one your company’s t shirts, they are a part of everyone’s wardrobe. What’s more, logo t shirts are definitely at the forefront of current fashion trends. A high quality shirt will keep a customer or potential customer wearing your shirt all the time and this will help increase your company’s recognition and brand visibility. Every time a person wears your shirt, they’re promoting your company and your company’s brand. If people see your company’s logo and brand enough, it’s going to stick in their minds and draw them to who your company is and what it does.
- Unity: Whether it’s embroidered tee shirts, custom design t-shirts or embroidered hats, clothing can help inspire unity or unity among your company’s staff. This gets your company’s brand out there to customers, but it inspires your employees to come together and work as part of a team.
By handing out any kind of t shirt, you’re ensuring that people take notice of your company’s brand and you’re giving them something they can keep for a long time that’s creative and can keep your brand in their minds.