If you’re planning a promotional event at the beach or other locale, the best items to announce your product and/or service is beach towels and beach bags. Almost everyone that heads to the beach will have at least one, and some individuals, especially families with children, tend to bring along several beach towels and bags.
Is your company involved with athletic activities? Does it promote health and fitness? If so, then you’re already aware of how swimming is a great form of aerobic and cardio-vascular exercise. If your company represents another industry, you may be interested to know that swimming is included in the top 5 popular sports activities.
A travel survey showed that walking was the most popular beach activity for 70% of global travelers. After walking, 65% indicated that swimming was their most popular activity. Local travelers, like their global counterparts, enjoy walking and swimming as well.
In addition to being a popular and excellent form of exercise, swimming also burns calories. In just a single hour of swimming, a person can burn up to 800 or even 900 calories. If your company is in the weight-loss industry, having custom printed beach towels and beach bags could offer motivational phrases along with your logo.
Other popular physical activities are bicycling and running. While many people choose to engage in these activities while at the beach and surrounding areas, others do so elsewhere. It’s been found that when people engage in just 2-1/2 hours of aerobic activities every week, they can decrease the risk of becoming chronically ill.
Given that the United States and its territories encompass roughly 95,471 miles of shoreline, there are literally millions of people spending time at the beach every year. After having a good run or swim, stretching out on a beach towel to nap, sunbathe, or read are other popular activities.
As you’re planning your next promotional activity, add custom made beach towels and bags to the list of items that highlight your logo. These can be custom made in different colors, with or without photos and embroidery.