College and high school football seasons have arrived!
With the first games of the season, there are many fans who are looking for the latest fashions to wear to the game. From visors for girls for the first games of the season to the long sleeve jersey knit shirts that will be worn by everyone as the temperatures start to drop, this is the time of year when everyone wants to be both fashionable and comfortable. As the temperatures start to get even colder, some of the most common accessories are knit caps and knitted beanies.
Team Colors Will Make Their Appearance This Weekend as Football Season Begins
Both high schoolers and college kids look forward to the weekends as soon as the football games begin. Decked in their favorite knit caps in their favorite school colors and cooler weather jackets and coats, it is important to make sure that once you are bundled up for the game everyone can still tell which team you are rooting for.
It probably comes as no surprise that clothing accounts for as much as 55% of the budget for back to school in America. In fact, as the football season kicks into high gear there are plenty of college students who are scrambling to find room in their closets and their drawers for another favorite team sweatshirt.
When you factor in footwear and accessories, the U.S. retail e-commerce revenue from the sale of fashion apparels is projected to reach more than $90 billion by the year 2021. Part of the reason that fashion purchases are such a significant part of the nation’s economy is that many parents are willing to do almost anything to make sure that their children are wearing the latest fashions. In fact, a recent survey indicates that parents spend more of their budget online in comparison to non-parents. The numbers are 40% to 34%. Additionally, parents spend 75% more time online shopping each week, as much as seven hours for parents versus four hours for non-parents.
If you or your high school or teenage kids are heading to any football games this weekend you likely have a plan to show up sporting team apparel. Let’s just hope that your school spirit makes a difference in the outcome of the game!