There was a time when traditional advertising techniques such as magazine and television commercials were all a company needed to get noticed and get their name in front of potential customers. However, as consumer habits have changed, advertisers have had to get creative in order to get the exposure they need.
The development of the internet, as well as streaming options allow viewers to watch TV while skipping all of the commercials. Creative marketing has included a wide range of sponsorship options that ensure company names are strategically placed where consumers will see them.
The placement of names where people will see them has also led to an entirely new industry that will put names on everything from clothes to tote bags to pens and Frisbees. Gift totes have become increasingly popular due to the fact they are useful, consumers keep them, and the gift bags support the growing environmental movement by reducing the need for plastic shopping bags.
The use of reusable bags started gaining momentum in the early 1990s. This is when people started becoming more aware of the negative impact plastic grocery store bags were having on the environment. Grocery stores started offering incentives for customers to bring in reusable bags for their groceries, which is also when businesses started seeing the opportunity created to market their brand.
Heavy duty canvas totes are perfect for a wide range of activities and useful to most people. Everyone at some time or another is faced with the need to carry things from one place to another, and the best option is to pack everything into a tote bag.
Since people are already using totes, it seems ideal to for companies to put their names and logos on them. In addition to keeping them and using them, tote owners carry them around in public, at work, at school, and to social outings with friends and family. They are walking billboards catching the attention of far more people than any other single ad could.
Wedding tote bags are a growing trend as brides will fill them as gift bags with favors and treats for their bridal party or guests. They are ideal for the members of the bridal party to transport their things back and forth from the venue. Custom wedding tote bags have grown tremendously in popularity over recent years due to their functionality and visual appeal.
A gift tote bag can also be used to replace the traditional gift bag making it part of the gift. Gift bags are perfect because they make gift wrapping simple without taking away from the ascetics of the gift. They are brightly colored, decorative, festival,and easy to carry around. However, after the gift is opened they become nearly useless. Most are thrown away,and the rest are put in a closet to be reused at a later date for another gift.
By using gift totes, the recipient can continue to use the tote after opening their gift. The bag becomes part of the gift itself. Because gift totes come in all different sizes and colors, they can be tailored to holiday or event. They can also fit a wide range of gift sizes and shapes.
Gift totes are actually ideal for giving gifts that are oddly shaped and hard to wrap or when the gift includes multiple smaller pieces parts. Allowing the bag to be part of the gift only enhances what is being received and is greatly appreciated.
Companies that provide rightly colored and high quality gift totes with their name or logo on them are ensuring that their marketing material is being passed around. When most people image a company tote, they probably picture the company name in large font across the front, which may not make for a great gift tote.
However, a company can strategically place their name or logo on a smaller area of the bag making their tote gift bag worthy. Giving them away for free makes them even more appealing to those looking for a gift tote.