The summer is a fun time and while it’s here it’s hard to imagine any other temperature or weather. But the summer, you see, doesn’t last forever and when colder times come it’s hard on everyone. For many of us, the winter is just a time of staying inside and staying warm but it doesn’t work out that way for everyone. There are those who are less fortunate than some of us and they have an especially hard time during the winter. Looking specifically at homeless populations, while it’s easier to survive without charitable donations in warmer climates, it’s much harder to survive without charitable donations in colder climates. Luckily, there are everything from veteran’s charities to used clothing pick up locations to ordinary clothing donations and other places that are willing to put in the effort to make everyone is alright throughout the winter. If you want to get involved with these types of charities there are several types of items you can donate that will help. You can donate different warm clothes, shirts, jackets, scarves. One of the most underrated articles of clothing you can donate is shoes, actually, as those are always in short supply. If you’ve got old sneakers of any size, kid sized sneakers, boots, hiking boots, flip flops, whatever the case may be, you can leave them in donation boxes for people who might need them. Socks are preferable as well as many people do not have warm dry socks during the winter months either. Food drives are also a wonderful way to give back as food is always appreciated to help homeless shelters. But the type of food specifically is important. Perishables might seem nice but they spoil fast by their very nature. If you want to really make a difference donate canned goods or money to food charity locations because those tend to go a bit farther than just straight up food. You can also donate non worn or food items such as books or movies for people to watch and educate themselves. There are a lot of things you can donate if you look, you just need to find the right thing that will help people the most.