Giving to charity is incredibly common here in the United States. Giving to charity can make you feel good and it can help the community in which you live in as well as the world at large. In fact, it’s so popular among the American people that up to nearly ninety five and a half percent of all people in this country will give to charity over the course of one year.
But finding the money to give to charity is not always a particularly easy thing to do. After all, sometimes it can be hard for people just to make ends meet, with giving to charity or any extra spending at all simply out of the question. Fortunately, there are still ways to give back to your community, ranging from volunteer opportunities to the donation of used clothing to your local charity clothing pickup.
Giving used clothing donations to your nearest charity clothing pickup is likely to be particularly ideal, as most people here in the United States have clothes to spare. The average woman alone owns up to thirty full outfits, a number that has increased from the average of nine outfits nearly one hundred years ago. And the typical person, man or woman, in the United States will consume nearly seventy garments (around sixty eight, to be more exact) over the course of just one single year.
Giving to charity through dropping clothes donations off at a charity clothing pickup site is also likely to be incredibly beneficial to our environment. As things are, unfortunately, too much old and used clothing simply becomes more waste, compounding the ever growing waste problem that is faced not only by this country but by the entirety of the world as well. And while recycling has been picking up, it is still estimated that only about fifteen percent of all used clothing is not thrown away and recycled instead, leaving eighty five percent to sit in landfills indefinitely.
But with more awareness than ever before and more knowledge about the benefits of recycling, used clothing donations to the local charity clothing pickup site is becoming more and more commonplace as the years pass by. Already the typical adult in the United States will purchase up to ten pounds of used clothing each and every year, as much of this clothing is still in good condition and is at a greatly reduced price in comparison to the typical cost of an article of high quality brand new clothing.
In addition to this, other kinds of recycling are also taking off here and all throughout the United States. In fact, up to eighty seven million tons of various materials were recycled as well as composted in the year of 2012 alone. In the years that have passed us by since, this number has only continued to increase.
Of course, if you decide to donate to a charity clothing pickup site, you will need to specify what kind of charity it is that you have an interest in. Military charities, for instance, are common throughout the United States. Donating to a veterans charity can be hugely beneficial as you are helping a struggling veteran to adjust back to civilian life and get back on their feet, something that many veterans and ex military personal need help with, as the transition can be nothing if not jarring.
And a donation to a charity clothing pickup site won’t just help former military personnel but the military families who might be struggling as well. When you make such a donation of used clothing, you can help a huge number of people, as well as people from all different backgrounds. And giving used articles of clothing is incredibly cheap and often comes at no cost to you at all, something that is highly ideal for the person who is looking to give back but still save their money, as is necessary for all too many of us in this day and age.
Giving charitably is hugely important. Fortunately, it’s easier to do than many people realize. Giving charitably can be done by just about anyone here in America.