Anyone who has looked out over the ocean knows how vast and powerful it is. Its primal energy and endless resources have made it a comforting and challenging place for humans to live since the dawn of time.
Perhaps that’s why ocean- and sea-related fashion, design, and art have such a special place in our society. From New England style home decor to sea glass art, the ocean plays a significant role in the lives of many, whether they realize it or not.
In this post, we’ll examine a few simple places in your own home where you can incorporate an oceanic element, whether you live on the Atlantic Coast or in the Great Plains.
Home Decor
There are many ways to incorporate the ocean into your home decor. It can be as bold as the above mentions New England style decorations, complete with white drift wood oars and ship wheels, or as subtle as a few carefully chosen paintings.
One of the more unique ways to incorporate the ocean into your home design is with Glass floats. These hollow glass orbs are often covered in netting. In the past, they were used by fishermen to keep their nets and deep sea lines afloat. Now, they are prized for their simple and charming aesthetics.
Your Wardrobe
There are a number of ways to incorporate the sea into your wardrobe. Seashells are popular items both for apparel and jewelry. Additionally, there are many print options available that replicate the ocean.
Sea glass is beyond a doubt the best way to subtly incorporate the ocean into your ensemble. These pieces of glass are smoothed in the ocean and given a slick, frosted appearance. Different environmental factors can even impart a unique color to the sea glass.
Glass, having first been created by the Mesopotamians around 2000 B.C., may very well be as old as time itself. However, the vast majority of sea glass found on beaches today is from the 19th or 20th century, when the ocean was treated more as a dumping ground than a natural wonder.
And the variety is practically endless, which means that there are any number of types of sea glass rings, sea glass earrings, and authentic sea glass charms. That kind of diversity means that you will truly be able to really personalize your sea glass jewelry.
With a wide variety in sea glass rings, earrings and other jewelry, and the number of home decor options available, it’s easy to incorporate any element of the ocean into your day to day life. What are you waiting for?