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Camo bathing suits for women Pink camo dresses Pink camo hat

Three Weird Camo Things You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

Unless you live under a rock, you’re likely to have noticed the increased popularity of camouflage clothing for men and women. Nowadays, it seems just about everyone — and their mother — is going camo clad. However, camouflage clothes have expanded far beyond their original military roots, and have grown to become representative of an …

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The Hi-Tech Future of Camouflage What Will They Think of Next?

While camouflage clothing for men and women is the hottest thing to hit the fashion industry since, well, camouflage clothes, camo clothing was never intended it be a fashion statement. In fact, when the first camouflage pattern was created by the French military during World War II, it was for much different, more practical reasons: …

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