12 million tons of clothing are thrown out as waste in the United States every year. This is 12 million tons of clothing that get wasted every day rather than being able to help others. You see, in 1930 it was said that your average American wore 9 different outfits. Now, in 2018 this number has grown to the average American wearing about 30 different outfits. While we’ve become more stylish as individuals, we have also learned how to waste more clothing than we’ll ever be able to wear in a single day. If these items of clothing that go unworn every day were instead turned into clothing donations then not only could we keep our style factors in tact but we could also help others who cannot afford to go out and purchase the extravagant amounts of clothing we buy daily. If you’ve ever wondered how to help your community or veterans donations may be one very important way of doing so.
Where can I donate clothes?
If you find yourselves asking this question the answer to it is rather easy, there are many organizations that accept clothing donations. From donation bins to organizations that pick up donations there is no shortage of charitable donation centers that are willing to take on all of your used and unneeded clothing. With so many of these places looking for your used goods there are no excuses not to go through your closet and take anything that you haven’t warn in years to be given to a new home. With children in need and military families, all of these can be considered veterans donations and you’ll be helping out a family who previously could not afford these items.
What are the donation guidelines?
Donation guidelines are simple. All clothing must still be in a relatively good condition. No stains, rips, or tears on any of the articles. These textiles will be going to someone as if they are their brand new clothes, no one wants to be walking around with that stain that makes them feel dirty. Though the requirements for these donations differ from charity to charity, they all require the clothes to be clean and in good condition. Most of these organizations will go through the clothing and make sure that they are in the right condition to be given out to individuals in need.
Do they accept other items?
Most of these donation stations do accept houseware donations as well! While clothing is one of the areas that are in great demand, items for homes also are very needed. Those old pans you haven’t used? They’re probably in great donation quality! Someone who is just getting on their feet again with a new apartment would be grateful to give them a new life. Those blankets? Perfect! Everyone needs to keep warm with winter months upon us.
Join the 95.5 of Americans who participate in charities and go through your used and worn clothing. Get rid of everything that is unused in your home and give it to people in need who will truly appreciate it. Those items that you wish you could still use but simply do not have a place for can find a while new life within the homes of someone else. For all of the children, military families, homeless, and veterans donations are one of the leading ways to provide help and support to those who are less fortunate and need a little bit of help getting their feet off the ground. You can be one of those people to provide this support all with the used clothing and goods that you no longer have a use for. Make some charitable donations today and know that you’ve helped those in need by simply going through your closet and getting rid of the items you no longer have any use for. Veterans donations help so many people with simply a look into your closet, not to mention, afterwards you’ll have room to add even more and begin the cycle all over again!