Were you just hired for a management or other type of executive position? If so, do you have the right clothes, shoes, and accessories to make a good first impression? You may be interested to know what psychology studies have revealed about how long it takes for someone to form an impression. All it takes …
First Date Fear? Consider These Confidence Boosting Shoes
First dates can be intimidating and anxiety producing. You essentially are sharing a meal or in an activity with a complete stranger. The internet and online dating has contributed to an increase in first dates that are also blind dates. As you prepare for your upcoming first date, remember that visual cues are important. Some …
Exotic Skin Shoes for Men
There are very few opportunities for men to truly indulge in luxurious fashion. They are far more limited than women in the styles, colors, and materials from which their clothing and shoes are made. Exotic skin shoes is one of the few areas men can draw attention to their elevated sense of fashion in any …