Screen print custom t shirts T shirt embroidery Tee shirts printed

The Many Promotional Uses of Cotton T Shirts

Promotional towels

You have probably seen many logo T shirts before. You walk into a new pizza place and all of the employees share a matching brightly colored T shirt. You stop by your nephew?s baseball game and the entire team and parents are wearing a supportive T shirt. You may have even noticed matching T shirts at the local bowling alley. T shirts are a great marketing tool, because they provide many benefits to both the business and the customer.

Increase in brand awareness
When you pass out promo T shirts as a business, you are increasing your businesses brand awareness. Anytime that customer wears that T shirt, they are remembering your business and they are acting as a source of marketing for others that they interact with throughout the day. The more that people see that T shirt, the more they will remember it and be more likely to give the business a try.

With 95% of Americans wearing T shirts, they are a widely accepted form of promotional marketing. The screen printing of things like T shirts and compressed tote bags is minimal, compared to the benefits of marketing. Customers are thrilled to receive free items, and in return, they are giving you a source of regular marketing.

Encourage team connectivity
Sometimes, T shirts can be used to connect a team. When all of the members of a team are wearing similar items, they simply feel like a team. These T shirts can be used among coworkers, students, sports teammates, convention or fundraising participants, or even to support similar causes. An examination of 2012 sales by product category reveals that the biggest sellers were wearables (such as T shirts, golf shirts, caps, and jackets), at 28.9% share of total product sales. These promotional items, T shirts and compressed tote bags can also be used to provide a sense of teamwork and unity among individuals.

Identifying business employees
T shirts and other items like promotional tote bags and compressed tote bags can be used to notify others of a specific organization that you belong to. For example, if you are collection donations door to door for a specific fundraiser, people are more likely to believe in your charitable intentions when you are wearing a printed T shirt or carrying a printed compressed tote bag. They are more likely to trust you, and to donate to your cause.

It may also be helpful to identify employees in a retail setting. A customer may require assistance in a store and if the employees look similar to the customers, they will not know who to ask. Instead, they will leave the store frustrated. If the employees are wearing similar T shirts, they are easier to identify and thus, assist customers. Customers are more likely to be satisfied, increasing their sales and returning again in the future.

Getting across a message
You have seen the volunteers on the side of the road, holding up signs in hope of giving people a message. T shirts can be used in the same way. When you wear a T shirt into public, people are likely to notice your message. They may ask you questions about the message, further reaching your goal of awareness. T shirt printing services can be used in a variety of ways, even to get an important political or charitable message across. The U.S. is the second largest cotton producer and by far the largest exporter in the world and regularly ships 40 to 60% of its yield abroad. Because of the large supply of cotton, custom compressed T shirts are very affordable and make a great awareness tool.

Screen printing and logo items are one of the most common forms of marketing, and for good reason. They get a message or brand awareness across in a very affordable way. They can also be used in a variety of business settings, including promo marketing, free customer items, employee recognition, and as a unity tool. Other cotton items can also achieve similar results with compressed tote bags and screen printed totes.

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