If you’ve ever participated in a walk-a-thon, bake sale, or park clean up, then the odds are pretty good that you received a custom tee for your effort, one with the details of the event and why the event was held.
Most people take these custom tees at face value, but have you ever thought about the logic behind them? It’s one thing to get them every now and then, but why is it that every event seems to have custom tees to give away?
Believe it or not, there is a method to the apparel madness.
Spread Awareness.
The main reasons fundraisers give away custom tees is to spread awareness of the cause, which is a form of activism. Informing people of a public concern is often regarded as the first step towards changing how an institution handles it. Each time a person sees a custom tee, they learn a little bit more about the problem or they remember it, or they’re simply reminded that it’s an issue.
Provide Uniforms.
Custom tees make for great uniforms. They separate those working an event from those who may be participating in it, or simply passing by. If an event worker is wearing an uniform, they’re easily identifiable, which allows others to find them easily if they need help. What’s more, uniforms also foster team work, which can make an event run even more smoothly.
Raise Additional Funds.
Custom tees are cheap to make, and can turn a quick profit, which is why some charities and events will also sell them in addition to giving them out to participants. If it costs an organization $1,000 to make about 200 cheap custom tees, and they sell them for $20 a pop, that’s $15 of direct profit. They’d only need to sell 10 to make the money back.
Fundraising events give away cheap custom tee shirts for a number of reasons, such as spreading awareness, providing uniforms to participants, and raising funds. If you have any questions, feel free to share in the comments.