There are approximately 2 billion t-shirts sold worldwide each year. T-shirts are one of the most popular forms of clothes and people absolutely love wearing them. One of the reasons why they are so popular is due to the fact that they can be worn by almost anyone!
School pride apparel is one of the hottest commodities provided by high schools across the country. As a matter of fact, one of the most popular types of school pride clothing comes in the form of school spirit tshirts. About 62% of Americans claim to own more than ten t-shirts in their wardrobe. That’s roughly 1.5 billion shirts.
Every year, spirit week is a popular time of the time for students across the country. Getting involved with school spirit shirts, school spirit gear, and school spirit wear is something people truly enjoy. So here are some facts on school spirit tshirts.
Principals overwhelmingly believe it is important that they personally build school spirit at their school and that higher levels of school spirit are tied to higher student achievement. As a matter of fact, just about 89% of all principals believed that school spirit tshirts are a big part of this as well. so this is just one fact that points to the pure importance of school spirit tshirts.
Among those individuals involved in activity programs, 51% said the reason they were involved is so that they can be involved in their school, and 34% said getting involved is a way to show their school spirit. There are plenty of legit reasons for people to get involved with making, sharing, and wearing school spirit tshirts.
Just about 75% of Americans think they donate more than average. In reality, 72% contribute at a rate below the national average. More often than not some schools will try to use school spirit tshirts as a selling point for fundraising t-shirts.
A 2007 survey from the National Association of Elementary School Principals found that 76 percent of schools hold up to five fundraisers a year, while 20 percent hold 5 to 10. That same survey found that 64 percent would do away with fundraisers if they could, but they can’t. At least 34 states provided less funding per student for the 2013-2014 school year than they did before the Great Recession hit.
Nearly $1.4 billion worth of field trips, athletic team uniforms, computer labs, playground equipment and other youth products, programs, and services are made possible each year through product fundraising programs. So schools will sometimes lean on school spirit tshirts and team sports apparel to be sold to provide funds for the school. Without these funds, schools cannot operate in the proper manner.
Nearly 73% of school fundraising sales are made by elementary school parents, students, and volunteers. So this is also a great way for schools to interact with the local community. Parents and children can work together to design, create, and sell their school spirit tshirts.
Fundraising companies donated $4.8 million worth of goods to charity last year. The average product fundraiser generates more than $3,100 for schools and non-profits. Fifty-five percent of those who engage with nonprofits via social media have been inspired to take further action.
For every 1,000 fundraising emails sent a nonprofit raises $17. During the 2005-2006 school year, nine out of 10 parents purchased a product to support a school fundraiser, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by AFRDS. Just about 71 percent of parents said they sold fundraising products to friends, family, and co-workers.