When most people think of the word “accessories”, they typically think about jewelry woman wear. A sparkling necklace or simple ring band to give a little more style to one’s outfit. However, accessorizing for men can be just as important. A leather wallet or wide leather belt is pretty par for the course. But something that can really help you stand out and draw all eyes to you is a luxury pair of mens exotic skin shoes.
Dress shoes for men are responsible for around 6% of the shoe market share. There was a 39% growth of men’s designer footwear from 2009 to 2014 and a 40% growth in men’s small leather goods in that same time frame. Men all over the world are realizing the class and style a simple pair of luxury crocodile skin shoes or some designer monk strap shoes can give to them. An ironed and clean three piece suit seems almost incomplete without the right shoes. And a pair of mens snakeskin shoes is a far better fit than two old house shoes. A nice pair of Italian loafers not only says clean and confident, it speaks to the man’s sophistication and intellect. Speaking your confidence and class is one thing, but studies show that visual cues are between three and five times more likely to get noticed than audio cues. As that say, the shoes speak for themselves. And when treated right and cared for properly, a pair of men’s exotic skin shoes can last for many long years.
In 2011, men’s spending on luxury items grew almost twice as fast as women’s, with 14% belonging to men and 8% belonging to women. A decent pair of mens exotic skin shoes fall into that category, meaning now is the time to invest in the purchase of a good set of leather oxford shoes or eel skin footwear. They almost never go out of style and, given the proper care, can last for years and years, so that you may continue to impress people with your snazzy footwear. So toss out that old pair of suede loafers and find yourself a newly-polished duo of mens designer dress shoes.