Many people have heard about how electronic cigarettes (also known as e cigs and vapor pens, among other names) are the latest alternative to smoking cigarettes. While these devices offer many benefits when compared with smoking tobacco cigarettes, they can seem a bit complicated to people who are used to lighting a cigarette. However, vapor …
Why Use eCigs? Here Are Three Reasons More People Are Turning to These Devices
Just about everyone these days knows about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes contain substances such as tar, ammonia, and various carcinogens, all of which can lead to cancer and other deadly diseases. As an alternative to smoking, however, more people have begun vaping — or using electronic cigarettes. Why use eCigs? The answer …
What Does Your Custom Tee Shirt Design Say About Your Brand?
Custom tee shirt graphics can say a lot about a brand and/or the people who wear the customized shirts. That’s kind of the point. But have you ever wondered what your company’s custom tee shirt graphics say about your brand? Let’s take a look at what some of the most popular custom tee graphics from …
What Are Compressed T Shirts and How Can They Help My Business?
Digital marketing is all the rage. Between mobile advertisements, social media posts, and SEO content marketing, businesses are able to connect with their target audiences on a far more personal and intimate level than was ever thought possible. While having a strong online and social media presence is vital for keeping audiences engaged, some “old …
The Guide to Getting the Right Ring
I’m sure you’ve heard that diamonds are a girls best friend. What you might now know is that the style of ring you set that diamond in makes a huge difference. Engagement rings, promise rings and wedding rings alike are meant to last forever, so arming yourself with tools to make the right decision is …
Understanding the Parts of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaporizers
Vaping, or using an electronic cigarette, is the latest trend in smoking cessation — and it’s even catching on with non-smokers, too. People who “vape” use electronic cigarettes or sometimes more complicated devices known as vaporizers. Many who are new to vaping may not understand exactly how these devices work, though. Here’s a breakdown of …